IAS News

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Magazine – Regional Actions and Achievements in Managing Invasive Alien Species Threats

This magazine showcases the achievements and valuable lessons learned from the project "Preventing the Costs of IAS in Barbados and the OECS" . CABI-Magazine-Regional-Actions-and-Achievements-in-Managing-Invasive-Alien-Species-Threats-PrintDownload CABI-Magazine-Regional-Actions-and-Achievements-in-Managing-Invasive-Alien-Species-Threats-Cover-PrintDownload CABI-Magazine-Regional-Actions-and-Achievements-in-Managing-Invasive-Alien-Species-Threats-e-versionDownload

Predation of the Invasive Giant African Snail in Trinidad

Mr. Tzarael Prime, Wildlife Enthusiast, Nature Explorer and Tour Guide Invasive species, such as the Giant African Snail (GAS) Achatina (Lissachatina) fulica (Bowdich), arrive and thrive in their non-native range partly due to the non-existence…