IAS News

The Latest News on IAS

Declare, Deposit or Pay Campaign

The Declare, Deposit or Pay Campaign, which is being implemented under the Preventing the Costs of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in Barbados and the OECS Project, will focus on air and sea ports in Barbados…

St. Kitts and Nevis Communication Materials – Videos

As part of the project “Preventing the Costs of IAS in Barbados and the OECS”, St. Kitts and Nevis created and launched various communication materials. Here are the videos: IAS Project Lionfish Open Day School…

St. Kitts and Nevis Communication Materials – Conferences, TV & Radio Appearances

As part of the project “Preventing the Costs of IAS in Barbados and the OECS”, St. Kitts and Nevis created and launched various communication materials. Here are the outputs from the conferences and television and…