Proposal for Consultant for Production of Video: IAS in the Caribbean and the MTIASIC Project Efforts to Combat this Threat.

VideoProductionProposalProposal for Consultant for Production of Video: IAS in the Caribbean and the MTIASIC project efforts to combat this threat.

The consultant will prepare script for approval by the project Management Unit and use both original footage as well as pre-recorded material generated by participating countries to complete a video on the nature of the IAS threat to the Caribbean and the work of the project: Mitigating the Threat of Invasive Alien Species in the Insular Caribbean (MTIASIC) to combat this threat. This will include the final workshop to be held in TT. The first version of the video will be aired at the final workshop carded for March 31 to April 4, 2014 at the Crown Plaza Trinidad and Tobago.


Read more on CABI’s background and details of the proposal for the video: Profile for production of video on MTIASIC project (PDF)