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Caribbean Guide – Azadirachta indica This document provides more information on the Azadirachta indica A. Juss and the impact on native plant species. PDF
Caribbean Guide – Jasminum Fluminense Vell This document provides more information on the Jasminum Fluminense Vell and its impact on native plant species. PDF
Caribbean Guide – Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv This document provides more information on the Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv and how it reduces biodiversity and displaces native plants. PDF
Caribbean Guide – Terminalia catappa L. This document provides more information on the Terminalia catappa L. and its impact on flora and fauna. PDF
Caribbean Guide – Tradescantia zebrina Bosse This document provides more information on the Tradescantia zebrina Bosse and its ability to form dense monospecific stands displacing native animals. PDF
Critical Situation Analysis (CSA) of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Status and Management Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, 2019 This CSA provides a detailed review of the occurrence, management history, and current distribution of IAS in St. Kitts and Nevis PDF
Critical Situation Analysis (CSA) of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Status and Management, the Bahamas, 2013 Provides a comprehensive view of the occurrence, trends and distribution of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in The Bahamas PDF
Dangers of Invasives Alien Species (IAS) This video focuses on the introduction, impact and prevention of Invasive Alien Species in the Caribbean islands. Video
Distribution, Habitat Association, Species Abundance and Perceptions of Residents towards Achatina fulica in Anguilla Distribution, Habitat Association etc of Achatina fulica in Anguilla - Rhon A. Connor PDF
Eradication of invasive rats on Sangalaki-Island, East-Kalimantan Eradication of invasive rats on Sangalaki-Island, East-Kalimantan – part of a project for marine turtle conservation PDF
Especies invasoras Mexico dic2010 Estrategia nacional sobre Especies invasoras en México - prevención, control y erradicación PDF
Final Report – Ornamental Horticulture Trade as IAS Pathways Feb 2023 Highlights issues that qualify alien exotic plant species with invasive attributes, in the horticulture industry, as potential IAS threats PDF
Final Report – The Pet and Aquaria Trade as IAS Pathways in the OECS and BARBADOS August 2024 Highlights critical issues that qualify pet and aquaria species with invasive attributes, as potential IAS threats PDF
Fireblight Fireblight Infographic PDF
Frosty Pod Rot Frosty Pod Rot infographics PDF
Frosty Pod Rot Brochure Keep Frosty Pod Rot Out of Trinidad and Tobago : Frosty Pod Brochure PDF
Frosty Pod Rot Poster Keep Frosty Pod Rot out of Trinidad & Tobago: Frosty Pod Poster PDF
Frosty Pod Rot Survey Poster Survey for the Presence of Frosty Pod Rot in Trinidad and Tobago Image
Green Iguana Green Iguana Infographic PDF
Green Monkey Green Monkey Infographic PDF