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Documents and Media
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File Name | Description | Resource Type |
Caribbean Guide – Azadirachta indica | This document provides more information on the Azadirachta indica A. Juss and the impact on native plant species. | |
Caribbean Guide – Jasminum Fluminense Vell | This document provides more information on the Jasminum Fluminense Vell and its impact on native plant species. | |
Caribbean Guide – Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv | This document provides more information on the Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv and how it reduces biodiversity and displaces native plants. | |
Caribbean Guide – Terminalia catappa L. | This document provides more information on the Terminalia catappa L. and its impact on flora and fauna. | |
Caribbean Guide – Tradescantia zebrina Bosse | This document provides more information on the Tradescantia zebrina Bosse and its ability to form dense monospecific stands displacing native animals. | |
Critical Situation Analysis (CSA) of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Status and Management Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, 2019 | This CSA provides a detailed review of the occurrence, management history, and current distribution of IAS in St. Kitts and Nevis | |
Critical Situation Analysis (CSA) of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Status and Management, the Bahamas, 2013 | Provides a comprehensive view of the occurrence, trends and distribution of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in The Bahamas | |
Dangers of Invasives Alien Species (IAS) | This video focuses on the introduction, impact and prevention of Invasive Alien Species in the Caribbean islands. | Video |
Distribution, Habitat Association, Species Abundance and Perceptions of Residents towards Achatina fulica in Anguilla | Distribution, Habitat Association etc of Achatina fulica in Anguilla - Rhon A. Connor | |
Eradication of invasive rats on Sangalaki-Island, East-Kalimantan | Eradication of invasive rats on Sangalaki-Island, East-Kalimantan – part of a project for marine turtle conservation | |
Especies invasoras Mexico dic2010 | Estrategia nacional sobre Especies invasoras en México - prevención, control y erradicación | |
Final Report – Ornamental Horticulture Trade as IAS Pathways Feb 2023 | Highlights issues that qualify alien exotic plant species with invasive attributes, in the horticulture industry, as potential IAS threats | |
Final Report – The Pet and Aquaria Trade as IAS Pathways in the OECS and BARBADOS August 2024 | Highlights critical issues that qualify pet and aquaria species with invasive attributes, as potential IAS threats | |
Fireblight | Fireblight Infographic | |
Frosty Pod Rot | Frosty Pod Rot infographics | |
Frosty Pod Rot Brochure | Keep Frosty Pod Rot Out of Trinidad and Tobago : Frosty Pod Brochure | |
Frosty Pod Rot Poster | Keep Frosty Pod Rot out of Trinidad & Tobago: Frosty Pod Poster | |
Frosty Pod Rot Survey Poster | Survey for the Presence of Frosty Pod Rot in Trinidad and Tobago | Image |
Green Iguana | Green Iguana Infographic | |
Green Monkey | Green Monkey Infographic |