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Lionfish Numbers Trending Down

[caption id="attachment_1717" align="alignleft" width="300"] Picture courtesy Western Mirror-Montego Bay, Jamaica[/caption] Dayne Buddo, Marine Biologist from the UWI Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory and Field Station, last week disclosed findings that signify a downward trend in the…

Training Opportunity: 12-14 September 2012, Grenada

Training Opportunity: 12-14 September 2012, Grenada - CABI’s Invasive Species Compendium The Invasive Species Compendium (ISC, www.cabi.org/isc) is a comprehensive open-access, online, global knowledgebase of invasive alien species, developed in partnerships led by CABI. Read more…

Battle lionfish heats up

[caption id="attachment_924" align="alignleft" width="288"] Dr. Dayne Buddo[/caption] AS the battle against the lionfish, that stealthy marine predator invading Jamaican waters, intensifies, more than 2,000 fisherfolk have already been trained in the management of the fish,…