Integrated Pest Management – Invasive Alien Species

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a method used to manage invasive species. Invasive alien species are species that go beyond their natural habitat and end up in new ecosystems, affecting the balance of biodiversity. IPM focuses on a combination of strategies targeting cultural, biological, chemical, and physical aspects of crop protection. It can sustainably manage dangerous species using reduced pesticides or even biological control. IPM strategies are country, region, and location-specific and depend on crop protection accessible for farmers.

Regional and national food security depends on agricultural systems being protected from invasive alien species like the pink hibiscus mealybug which leaves honeydew on fruits, making it unmarketable and resulting in a loss for the trade sector. Learn more about this from our policy brief ‘Invasive Species Threaten Livelihoods and Valuable Biodiversity in the Caribbean.’

Invasive species outcompete native species for food while displacing others. Invasive species can’t be completely eradicated, but control and prevention are the best options. Using natural enemies through integrated pest management (IPM) is an environmentally friendly way to protect agriculture and food systems without damaging crops. The current use of pesticides and agriculture, in addition to soil degradation and climate change, makes agriculture and food systems vulnerable.

Plantwise is also a programme[CA1]  that was developed by CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International) to create disease and crop management using environmentally friendly biological controls. This programme provides farmers with the opportunity to use safe and affordable pest management options. It includes the use of pest risk data, climate change models and pest distribution observations.

Read more from our sources below!


FAO – Integrated pest management of major pests and diseases in eastern Europe and the Caucasus

CABI – CABI’s expertise in Integrated Pest Management shines at 10th International IPM Symposium

USDA – Invasive Species Prevention

Plantwise – Detection & ResponsePolicy Brief – Invasive Species Threaten Livelihoods and Valuable Biodiversity in the Caribbean