GB Non-native Species Secretariat e-learning

GB Non-native Species Secretariat e-learning

  • Overview
  • Transcript
  • Supporting Training Files
GB Non-native Species Secretariat

Posted with the kind permission of the Great Britain, Non Native Species Secretariat.

The NNSS has developed a range of freely available e-learning modules to provide an introduction to non-native species, and how to identify them.

Keep checking back for further modules in the future.

If this is your first time at the GB NNSS , you will need to register before you can enroll in a course.

Existing users can login here.

On your first visit to this page, all available courses will be visible. Click on a course to enrol yourself.

After you have done so, all other courses will be hidden. Find and enroll on other courses here.

Take e-learning

Click on a course below when you are ready to begin. The link will redirect you to the GB Non-native Species Secretariat e-learning website:

Available courses

Skill Level Beginner