Caribbean Webinar Training Session held on the 4th June 2014 (Video)

webinarCaribbean Webinar Training Session held on the 4th June 2014

This webinar was part of a regional training programme, funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Environment or Climate Action, Thematic Programme for Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, Including Energy (ENRTP) as part of the project being implemented by CABI, “Updating, maintaining and enhancing the Invasive Species Compendium (ISC)”.

The goal of the webinar was to introduce IAS specialists in the Caribbean countries to the use of the structured datasets on IAS in the Compendium, thereby increasing accessibility and improving IAS mitigation/management by:

  • Providing scientists, regulatory officers, environmentalists, conservationists, commodity importers/exporters and others involved in the management of invasives with the ability to quickly and efficiently find the authoritative information that they need.
  • Training potential users of the ISC who will promote the tool in their sector of IAS management
  • Providing feedback on the expected impacts of the use of the ISC and appropriate ways of measuring the impacts and further knowledge of how the ISC could better serve the needs of the Caribbean.