Invasive Lionfish: A Guide to Control and Management

Invasive LionfishThe countries of the Wider Caribbean with their vibrant coral reefs are major tourist destinations, bringing billions of dollars to the Caribbean annually. The importance of reef resources is invaluable to local economies and cultures. Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are considered one of the major threats to native species and habitats in the Caribbean. Recognizing the urgency of the lionfish invasion and the need to develop clear recommendations for local control, a special workshop was organized by an international team, including the International Coral Reef Initiative, REEF, NOAA, and SPAW-RAC, and it took place in August 2010 in Cancun, Mexico. With 47 participants representing over 25 organizations from 20 countries and territories of the Wider Caribbean, the ICRI Regional Lionfish Workshop identified many of the best strategies for addressing the lionfish invasion. The intent of this publication, Invasive Lionfish: A Guide to Control and Management, is to provide a reference for resource managers, policy makers, field workers, outreach coordinators, researchers, fishers, divers, and the general public — who are actively engaged in learning about lionfish and developing local control strategies. The strategies recommended herein are based upon best available science and practice, which in time will change as new approaches and the effectiveness levels of existing approaches emerge. Resource managers are encouraged to use the information in this guide to develop local management plans.

View this publication here: Invasive Lionfish Guide GCFI Special Publication Series Number 1 2012 (PDF)