The Caribbean Pest Diagnostic Network

The web-based Caribbean  Pest Diagnostic Network (CPDN) database provides a collaboration and communication tool for plant inspectors, scouts, consultants, extension personnel and diagnosticians to share information on plant pests. The system uses field data and digital media as tools for enhancement of diagnosis of plant disease, insect, weed, invasive species, plant management, physiology, and nutrient problems.

Through interactions on the Internet between field personnel and diagnostician or experts, problems can be quickly communicated and assessed.  Specialists around the world can perform diagnosis and identification and provide best management practice recommendations to the users. The archived CPDN database becomes a resource for research, educational programs, and classroom teaching.

The threat of pest and invasive species is real and has the potential to seriously damage our agriculture and food supply. The Web-based diagnostic system can be used as a tool to enhance the capacity for screening, monitoring, mapping pests in time and space, and quickly detecting existing or new high-consequence pests and dangerous plant pathogens.

Please see the following link for more information: