Ornamental plants during the holiday

Did you know that some invasive species are still bought as ornamental plants? Invasive plants like the multiflora rose and the oriental bittersweet is bought during the holiday seasons for interior decorations in homes. They can also live in handmade ornaments, untreated firewood, and Christmas trees. Invasive plants that have been used in the past, were used as ornamentals plants. These plants had attractive flowers which made them appealing to native birds in the area. Birds in the area that fed on garlands, viable seeds, and wreaths, would unknowingly remove the invasive species from one designation to the next.

Non-indigenous species invade meadows, roadsides, cliffsides, backyards, meadows, forests, fields, and undisturbed areas. Invasive alien plants negatively impact environments by causing severe damage.

Birds that carry viable seeds may also spread it to ecosystems like forests, putting that ecosystem and its biodiversity at risk. Ornamental plants are attractive during the holidays, but many precautions should be taken when buying from other sources. It is recommended that while buying ornamental plants during the holidays, you inspect the plants. Invasive plant species may also show signs of infestation. The signs include holes, egg masses or insects, and tunneling. Furthermore, do not move any plants, soil, vegetation, or fruit from one location to another unless cleared by plant quarantine inspectors.

Read more from our sources below!


Mass – Avoid decorating with invasive plants

USDA – This Holiday: Decorate with Joy, Not Insects That Destroy

HabitatMatters – Ornamental Invasive Species