Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are a major threat to the unique and vulnerable biodiversity that is common in the Caribbean sea, freshwater and land resources. They also threaten livelihoods of people who depend on this biodiversity.
IAS threats and the need to alleviate their potentially devastating impacts have prompted Caribbean states to take action to combat IAS.
This collective action is supported by the Project: Mitigating the Threats of Invasive Alien Species in the Insular Caribbean. The is funded by the Global Environmental Facility. Public awareness and understanding is pivotal in the fight against IAS.
Participation of communities and the general public is essential to stop the introduction and spread of IAS in Caribbean states. This publication seeks to sensitize and enhance understanding of the IAS threat among a wider audience.
Read more here: Stop Invasion of IAS.pdf
[Francis, D., Ramnanan, N.]