Chase, V. (2010). Policy Gaps and Needs Analysis. Consultancy reports under the project “Mitigating the Threats of Invasive Alien Species in the Insular Caribbean”, Project No. GFL / 2328 – 2713-4A86, GF-1030-09-03, pp. 61.
This Report on Policy Gaps and Needs Analysis reviews a series of background papers that have been prepared to inform the NISS, in order to assess the extent to which IAS prevention, eradication and control are incorporated in national legislation and in biodiversity and other relevant policies, strategies and action plans, consistent with international law. The result, for a Small Island State, is a complex situation where responsibilities, policies and laws are not very clear or may not even be compatible. While there is no legislation specific to the management of IAS in Saint Lucia, there are a few pieces of legislation that are relevant for preventing IAS entry into the country. Noteworthy is that there is no accompanying legislation for the control of the invasives, once they have entered the country.
Major pathways for alien harmful organisms affecting plants and animals are regulated and controlled by the Crop Protection Unit, the Fisheries Department and the Veterinary Services and Livestock Division. With severe resource limitations, Saint Lucia cannot effectively address invasive alien species once they have been introduced or become established. Adopting vigorous prevention measures to keep invasive alien species from being introduced is the best approach. Furthermore, the existing phytosanitary instruments do not address invasive alien species beyond agricultural pests and diseases. Despite a number of weaknesses in the policy and legislative frameworks, it must be acknowledged that there is a sufficient platform in Saint Lucia to build a substantial framework for the management of IAS. This platform provides a very strong foundation for the development of a National Invasive Species Strategy (NISS). Once the administrative, legal and institutional gaps are mitigated, and a NISS together with a CEPA Strategy are in place, Saint Lucia will be able to substantially enhance its management of IAS.