IAS News

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IAS Vectors and Species Risk Assessment Training Workshop #1 Held (June 2021)

The IAS Vectors and Species Risk Assessment Training Workshop Part 1 was held virtually on June 8th, 2021, facilitated by Nicola S. Smith, Marine Invasive Species Specialist. The following were the topics covered in the…

Report: A Sustainable Trust Fund for Managing Invasive Alien Species in Barbados and the OECS

By: Karen-Ann Gardier, Arlene Ross, Naitram Ramnanan and Dianne Derrick Excerpt - Executive Summary : Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are a significant global biodiversity conservation challenge estimated to cost economies over $1.4 trillion annually, an…

Kick-off – Interceptions Database System Development

One of the desired outcomes of the “Preventing the COSTS of IAS in Barbados and the OECS” is to not only assess the risks posed by IAS but to develop tools that can better manage…