Restoration Projects: The Caribbean and their achievements against Invasive Species

Across the Region, many islands are undergoing multiple projects to restore their smaller islands, plant life or animal life. The Caribbean has made great strides against the eradication of invasives species or at least lowering their numbers. The Bahamas Project is geared towards improving procedures and systems that would make the climate more durable and viable for its mangroves, tidal creeks, and forests. The island of Allen Cay, one of its smaller islands, has undergone significant changes since the removal of the invasive house mice. The Bahamas Natural Trust had trained its staff in techniques in order to remove the invasive species.

The Cabritos Project in the Dominican Republic managed to restore the island since the invasion of feral cats, cows and donkeys over the years. The island continues to flourish with the iguana population improving after invasive removal.

Located not far from Antigua, is the small volcanic island of Anguilla. During the first two world wars, guano was heavily mined on the island. However, with human labour came the pests. Stowed away on the ships were black rats and down in the gallows were goats which miners brought on the island. Over the next few decades, the rats and goat’s population would grow, driving out native life and causing the flora and fauna on the island to suffer. However, the Redonda Restoration Programme was successfully developed in order to give the wildlife a chance to prosper once more.

The black rats on the island of Redonda were quickly exterminated once the programme began and its goats relocated. The island was cleared of its menaces fully in 2017. The island began to recover from its invasive species.

In the depths of Grenada, lies the Caribbean Reef Buddy coral nursery. The many coral reef restoration projects being undertaken are many. This is just one example of how important coral reefs are to marine life and to the surrounding biological ecosystems. Having coral reefs are a form of coastal protection.

Caribbean countries have also made amazing strides towards the restoration of their smaller islands or ecosystems in order to boost their agriculture sectors while also fighting against invasive species such as Cane toads, The Giant African Snail and Lionfish.

The Giant African Snail